Frogstock Festival Frogstock Festival Frogstock Festival Frogstock Festival Frogstock Festival Frogstock Festival Frogstock Festival Frogstock Festival Frogstock Festival Frogstock Festival Frogstock Festival Frogstock Festival Frogstock Festival Frogstock Festival Frogstock Festival Frogstock Festival Frogstock Festival Frogstock Festival Frogstock Festival Frogstock Festival Frogstock Festival Frogstock Festival Frogstock Festival Frogstock Festival Frogstock Festival Frogstock Festival Frogstock Festival Frogstock Festival Frogstock Festival Frogstock Festival Frogstock Festival Frogstock Festival

2011 Update....

There will be no Frogstock in 2011, but the festival will return at some time in the future. Getting a suitable venue and all the licenses, permissions and facilities we need now the event has grown so big has become a mammoth undertaking. Sadly it doesn’t look like it will be possible this summer, but we will get there eventually! Join our mailing list below to get the latest news.

If you enjoyed Frogstock you may enjoy some of the many other live events curated by Frog Morris, please check out his website to find out what else he's up to

Thanks to everyone for their support in making Frogstock such a success over the last few years. Please do stay in touch and we will see you all again soon!

25th May, 2011

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...from Frogstock 2009

We’d like to send special thanks to Jimmy and Barbara at the Swan in Coney Weston for hosting Frogstock in 2009. Barbara will be retiring in 2010 after many years in the Suffolk pub trade and her son Jimmy who has been running the pub with her will be moving to a new pub in Braintree. We wish them both the best of luck in the future

Frogstock Festival at The Swan 2009

Frogstock is a crazy festival of music, art and comedy. Over the last few years Frogstock has showcased many new and original performers and earned a keen following. In 2009 Frogstock moved to a new venue, The Swan pub in Coney Weston.

Frogstock boasts all the amenities you would expect at a rock festival, including a large outdoor stage, a bar, a dance tent, an acoustic stage, hot food vendors, parking, camping and the infamous festival toilets. There is always range of music, including folk, rock and dance. There is also stand-up comedy and performance art to enjoy.

Frogstock was created by Frog Morris and he continues to curate the event. Frog Morris is an artist who grew up in the village of Blo’ Norton in Norfolk. Frog aims to programme local acts as well as a number of interesting and unusual acts from further a field.

Frogstock started as a joke between a group of teenagers in 1995, but the event grew over a number of years. While an undergraduate at Art College in 2000, Frog started to invite musicians and artists to come and perform in the field at the back of his family farm in Blo Norton. Now Frogstock can regularly attract crowds of people from across the country to come and enjoy great new music.

Local publican and keen musician Jimmy Kingston heard regulars in his pub talking about Frogstock and hosted a new version of the event at his pub in Coney Weston in 2009.

Join the facebook group to keep informed.

Mail from a local resident

I left Frogstock about 1.30am Saturday night very tired, to get some rest before attending my open studios activity Sunday morning:

During the Sunday, at least 3 mothers visiting my artworks on display all asking or commenting upon my acoustic stage performance the evening before - were you the guy playing last night?

They each enthused about how much fun they had at Frogstock; how their kids thought Coney Weston was the most exciting and coolest place over the weekend; indeed, one mother quoted her daughter: "It was the best day of my life except when I was born!"

I also heard how members of the St. John's Ambulance crew and the police were over heard commenting positively on the lasagna and other food available. Surly a good sign.

Generally, I have already received much positive feedback and have encouraged people to write to the Parish Magazine, local newspapers and The Swan to tell them. There was much talk and gossip beforehand and no doubt numerous difficulties staging the event. The police traffic cones up and down the road running through Coney Weston looked horrific, but really a very minor irritation.
Well done to those who were brave enough organise this community event. I believe it enthused and inspired many, especially the younger generations and left a few wondering if their fuss and fear prior to the event was misplaced. If Frogstock organisers wish to post this comment on their website, please do so. I whole heartedly congratulate you.

I also ask the Parish Magazine to be aware of my 4th Plinth event 00.00-01.00hr Tuesday 06 October when I will be taking East Anglia with me by default since this is where I am now based regardless of what I might actually do in Trafalgar Square.

Best wishes,
(Coney Weston resident)


Woodfords Brewery Support Frogstock Woodfords Brewery have offically sponsered the Festival!!! HOORAY .. so look out for free giveaways at the outside bar ... And of course Norfolk brewed Cask ale ... Woodfords Wherry 3.8% , Nelsons Revenge 4.8% and the crazy juice Woodfords Headbanger 7% ...If your not much of an ale drinker we will also have Locally brewed Cider from the Banham barrel and Locally made Sangria from Crimson Cutlass ...

Also some of the proceeds will be going to benefit the St. Nicks Hospice in Bury St Edmunds .. and awesome Cancer treatment center that does so much for so many on a shoestring budget ..

Looking forward to meeting you all ..


Landlord The Swan Inn


Info for performer...

If you are in a band and want to play at Frogstock please send us a demo (or a link to your website or myspace) plus dates of forthcoming gigs. We usually get a lot of submissions, we do try to respond to as many requests as we can. We aim for a mix of entertainments. If we get a lot of good act in a simular style it can be very difficult to choose only one or two which is why we can be slow to respond in some cases. The best tip is do something no one else is doing and we won't be able to refuse! Also please be aware many of our acts have built up long running relationships with us through many other events we run so we may offer you gigs in other venues to get to know you.

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